Wednesday, March 8, 2017

These are the Times that Try men's Souls

And Women's Souls Too.

People who decided that they would be fine not believing in God or Buddha or Nature or Something are dying like flies overdosing on drugs or being murdered all over the world.

This appears not to be a time when just being your little self along without believing in something is going to work anymore.

People the last 50 years or so especially have thought that their Control, self discipline and mind and inventions were all they needed to survive their lives.

This isn't really true anymore. The old saying "There are not atheists in foxholes" and when boys in the past were mortally wounded they would cry out often "Mama!" as they lay dying on the battlefield of the world.

When things are impossible to cope with you need something more than yourself to stay alive to keep hope, to go on.

Though many want to "PUT DOWN" people who believe in something more than themselves, just remember people didn't have the advantages you have today.

No telephones, no cell phones, no home computers, no Internet, no education sometimes at all. So, if they didn't believe in SOMETHING Greater than themselves there was no reason at all to live another day even if they were 5 years old because people were dying like flies around them everywhere, from bad food, bad water, wars murder, confusion from a lack of education, physical and sexual abuse from birth or after, you name it.

People were often treated like dogs and abused regularly. Even when I grew up in the 1950s I knew I could be beat up or killed on any given day. Just getting out of bed and going to school I was taking my life in my hands and it could be my last even when I was 6 years old.

Many people (because they go to private schools where people are permanently expelled for any fighting at all, don't ever have to deal with anymore than verbal abuse and sometimes not even that anymore which makes completely different people than who I grew up with in the world.

When I grew up everyone was scared because we all knew we the world could be nuked any given day. We lived with this every day and people talked like "When are we all going to die?" On the news all the time. People were still crazy from World War II and killing themselves and their families and their children because we didn't call it PTSD then we called it "Battle Fatigue" or something else and soldiers were slapped for PTSD and hit often in battle rather than taking their problems seriously and then often they just killed themselves or others somewhere along the way.


It isn't just Trump, look at the whole world gone mad.

Robots that could kill in 1/2 second any soldier no matter how strong, no matter how fast, no matter how that soldier was armed, drugs that young people take that they overdose on the first time because someone lied to them. Food that is bad in places like China because it is "Fake Food" and poisonous and shouldn't be eaten ever.

This is the world as it is and it is going to get more and more intense because of many many driving factors.

Trying to pretend the world is a fairy tale is just getting people killed younger and younger.

We wish our kids to be innocent so they can enjoy their lives while they are young. However, most of the world has seen death in friends and relatives by the time they are 2 or 3 years of age and children are questioning whether they want to be alive anymore by 5 in most of the world.

When I grew up it was this way too. Even at 4 "I was expected to be a little man" and not cry around other men ever. And if I cried it was only around my mother or grandmother and only then because I was seriously injured.

Most of the world it is still this way where there is no mercy on children at any age but still only some children experience the full horror of life. So, when they reach High School or college often they cannot stay alive because they were never prepared for the full horrors of life.

Keeping your kids silly and happy is only going to kill them as adults. Religion also might help them or kill them.

I myself couldn't cope with my first year of college because I was still a creationist even though I was also a scientist by nature too. It took me from age 18 to 21 to fully cope with a Social Science Class in college because of Darwinism.

By 21 I finally could say to myself, "Both Creationism and Darwinism are ONLY theories". I don't have to believe in either of them".  This was my solution to the ethical problem I faced then.

IN some ways now I don't believe in either theory still.

Though in some ways Darwin was right it is just part of the Truth. And Creationism is something mostly made up by people who had never been to school or taken a science class ever over 2000 years ago.

Most of Judaism and Christianity is Patrilinear and about Men Controlling women and keeping them down I see now even though most people in the U.S. have evolved past this kind of thinking.

So, find something to believe in so you don't off yourself with drugs as a coping mechanism that only leads to your death or insanity.

Life is tough! Life has always been tough!

To think it is easy is to be a fool!

But, if you are careful and carefully analyze yourself and all life around you you can have peace in the end too.

But, usually you have to be determined enough and smart enough to do this in the first place.

Everyone has to believe in something. If you don't usually your life is short.

Of this we all are sure because we witness it every day in all our friends and relatives.

Find something to believe in before your life is cut short.

By God's Grace

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