Monday, September 11, 2017

Equifax hack may have exposed every American who is an adult to Identity theft

Ways to protect yourself:
Most important thing to do would be to Freeze your credit so no new credit cards can be issued to a fraud artist in your name.

2nd think you might consider doing:

changing the numbers and dates on your credit cards to new ones: in case they got one or more of your  credit card numbers from Equifax during the hack.

People who don't do this might lose everything if your name and address and social security and one or more credit cards are attacked by crooks who buy your information from the hackers.

Could this have been a country that did this like Russia?

Of course.

First they put in Trump.

2nd they try to bankrupt as many Americans as possible.
Did Russia really do this? I don't know.

All I know is that people might sell your name, address and and social security information anywhere on earth so getting your credit frozen so no new Credit cards can be issued is likely the most important thing you can do now.

By the way I was one of the first to notice and to publish the fact that all adults with social security numbers might have been stolen because of the number they mentioned regarding Americans here in the U.S. and abroad.

NBC Nightly news said "The title to this article tonight"

on September 11th 2017.

So, this might have some connection with 9-11 also as in ISIS or Al Qaeda.

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