Monday, September 11, 2017

Gasoline cars are better for people but electric cars are better for the air but not necessarily for the earth itself

Gasoline engines are less likely to cause health problems in humans (so far) than all electric ones.

The reason I say  (So far) is that is it possible to make electric cars safe for people, it's just that they are not safe now.


Because in order to protect people from electric fields (corona) generated by the use of large electric motors (AND) the use of large generators on brakes and such when you brake are not set up yet to protect people from those fields as of yet.

However, it would be easy to do this but would cost several thousand dollars likely to do this.

Whenever you get into most electric cars it would be a little like taping 100 smartphones to your forehead, genitals and organs. And you know that smatrphones (if you read the small print) are known to burn your skin if you have them anywhere against your skin from their radiation from their signals going to and from your phone from the nearest cell phone tower (microwave tower). So, getting some form of cancer from 100 cell phones taped to your body and on might not give you cancer until you did this for 10 or 20 years. But, riding in an all electric car is pretty much the same as this (if it doesn't have lead shielding which is a lot like what your dentist puts over you when you get x-rays in the dentists chair of your teeth.

So, you need the whole interior of your car (inside roof, inside floor, inside walls need to shield human bodies from corona (electric fields) so bodies are not damaged over time and dna isn't damaged over time either.

So, at least for now, until enough studies are done and people put shielding in electric cars I don't want one until I can see the shielding installed an in place in any all electric car I own at some point in the future.

Others have a different point of view and they are welcome to it. It's just my Dad was an electrical contractor and from growing up with him I see the problems not being addressed with Electric cars so far.

A 2nd problem not being addressed is most electric cars can be hacked pretty easily and the driver and occupants of the car killed remotely.

It's not that new gasoline driven cars that are more upper end aren't like this too, it just that this is completely true of every all electric car I presently know of.

So, owning a car that cannot be hacked with you and your family being murdered remotely might be a good idea too. Imagine someone locking up your brakes remotely at 70 or 80 miles an hour in heavy traffic with you and your family on board.

Also, though electric vehicles are generally better for the air, they are not better for the earth because the batteries in these things are incredibly polluting in making them and also when they are taken out and replaced they will generally pollute water and earth wherever they are taken out an put into the earth for disposal. So, as they clear the air and reduce gasoline and diesel consumption and lower oil and gas and diesel prices worldwide, they also pollute the water and earth and will kill many more human and other organisms that live on earth also through water and earth pollution. and if farmers grow on top of this soil one day, what they grow might also poison people anywhere on earth this happens.

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