Saturday, April 7, 2018

iIlegal immigration is up over 200% above last year: Why?

It's actually pretty logical. It's where the jobs are. our unemployment figures are down to 4.1% which means there are many unfilled jobs available that American citizens can refuse to do because they were born here because they aren't safe jobs anyone would actually want raised in America. So, many of these jobs are going unfilled. So, since employers need these jobs filled too they likely are encouraging people more to come here anyway they can so the employers can get these jobs filled too that most Americans just don't want.

So, Trump getting into the middle of this in some ways harms our economy when you look at it from an employers viewpoint. However, people who live on the border in the U.S. might have a different point of view.

I'm not sure California will send soldiers to the border for a variety of reasons. Mostly they don't want to weaken their position regarding defending Sanctuary cities legally. So, it is debatable whether the California national Guard is going to Guard the border.

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