Sunday, April 1, 2018

Ted Nugent has always been sort of 1950s Crazy

In other words you likely could have expected him to be on the football team at his high school where he and other players went out on Friday and Saturday nights with Baseball bats to kill Black males and gay men. This was something that football players did a lot around the country in the 1950s by the way. Times have changed since then (for most people). But not Ted Nugent.

However, then you have the Parkland Survivors who all now have PTSD from being shot at and losing their friends to the shooter.

People who have been shot at almost always have some form of PTSD especially if the people around them died or were seriously wounded. This is just a given in life. And on one level you really can't take people like that completely seriously either because "They aren't in their right minds anymore and might never be".

So, this is a given too.

So, the Parkland survivors are the "Walking Wounded" which is another name for PTSD survivors.

Though you can feel sorry for them you have to realize what they have been through is going to make them always "Different".

But, to call the Parkland survivors "Soulless" I think is pretty extreme.

What Nugent might mean is that "They don't believe in God and then they got shot at" and now they are really screwed up.

This is likely what someone out of the 1950s who still thinks like this actually means by what he is saying.

Not believing in God is pretty common in High Schools around the U.S by the way caused by Islamic Terrorism for the most part.

I have always thought it sad and ironic that one religion's "Crazies" is turning Christian children in the U.S. into Atheists. And by doing this we may lose our democracy one day because if you don't believe in God it makes people do crazy things I have observed.

What I haven't figured out is "Why do people who don't believe in God want to get rid of all guns?"

"Who do they think are going to protect them when only the police and armies have guns?"

"Do they think the police and armies are perfect?"

"Because the police and Armies all have PTSD from what they have been dealing with too!"

For example, Almost every woman over 40 I know of has been stopped by the police in their car (often for no reason) and it was intimated that the woman should have sex with the cop.

If this is normal this is reason enough for both women and men to want to be armed in this kind of situation.

This doesn't mean every policeman does this. However, often the class bullies become police when they grow up simply because they liked being bullies.

Though most of these get weeded out over time if they misbehave as police still this is an ongoing factor regarding high school bullies as we move on into the future.

So, why do people want the average law abiding person not to have a gun for self protection?

This makes no sense to me at all.

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