Saturday, June 10, 2023

Do I basically believe that most or all of what I wrote about Arcane, Elohar and Ragna, His Oneness and the rest is true?

At this point I think "pretty much". Why?

Because they have been a part of my path to enlightenment since around 1969 beginning with Elohar and Ragna who came to me in Christmas 1969 because they wanted to tell me that the human race of earth wouldn't survive if I didn't stay alive because I was somewhat suicidal at that time in life.

Was what they told me true? Sort of.

The reason they wanted me to stay alive is so they would be allowed to create a 2nd timeline where civilization didn't end basically like it did the first time September 11th 2001 occurred. So, we were all working to create a 2nd timeline because I had soul traveled to the Galactic Core where I met the present Galactic Sentience. He said to me, "I missed you Grandfather" which at the time I had no idea how to do with this.

Now, when I look back I see it quite differently. His point of view was something like this: "Hey Grandfather can you keep Earth from turning into a nuked out place with most people dead?"

So, he saw this as Earth being ONE of my retirement homes and so he was basically saying: "Sure. I can help you create your present home earth for your human body not to turn into a nuclear Hell realm on a 2nd timeline which I'm sanctioning right now.

So, it's sort of like he ordered sand bags for my home if we were going to have a flood. But, in this case he ordered time to be altered and a 2nd timeline we all presently live on so 5 billion or more people didn't have to die in September and October of 2001 which basically ended human civilization for thousands of years. So, it wasn't until 7028 when Elohar and Ragna came to visit me in 1969 through their flying saucer which travels both time and space. However, President Eisenhower also bought several time space saucers in the early 1950s which is why all the time earth or cities or countries on earth nuked out from 1945 until 1990 or 2000 or after were fixed and so time was fixed.

However, the September 11th 2001 was the one he asked me to fix because the damage of this one was more permanent and it was the one I foresaw in 1969 when I soul traveled to visit him.

By God's Grace

Do  I expect you to believe all this? No.

 Why should you? This is my personal life experience not yours. If you believed this without some type of proof or intuitive senses how could I respect you as a person here on earth?

However, many of you have very developed scientific, intuitive and instinctual senses and you will likely just sense that all or most of what I'm telling you is actually true. And knowing this it just might save your lives and the lives of your family ongoing.

By God's Grace

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