Saturday, June 10, 2023

Gratitude is the Fairest Blossom that springs from the Soul- Henry Ward Beecher

 This is my experience too. When one is grateful for whatever they have often more is given. When people are not grateful for whatever they have often then they get even less in life.

There is something about Gratitude for whatever you have that seems to bring more good things and good people into your life whereas the more one complains about things the worse their life often gets even taking them sometimes to death and insanity.

This I have observed often during my life about how things work.

However, it's also true if you are hanging around bad people those bad people also might get you killed or kill you themselves.

So, learning how to separate yourselves from bad people in your life is one way to get into a position where you can actually become grateful for your life.

By God's Grace

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