Saturday, June 10, 2023

I think if Trump had turned over the Classified Documents when the government asked for them he wouldn't have been indicted

You notice that Biden and Pence were not indicted simply because they cooperated with the Government in returning Documents.

So, the main reason that Trump has been indicted is he obstructed justice and this made him vulnerable along with lying about everything that is going on. In Fact, literally everything he says politically likely will be used against him in Court to convict him of the offenses. And majorly putting down Smith and his family is just going to cause more and more legal harm to him.

I suppose he still might get elected, especially if something happens to Biden (like death or stroke) because Biden already has Atrial Fibrillation which he is taking Eliquis for to prevent blood clots, strokes and heart attacks. However, if anything physical or mental happens to Biden it could be the end of our Democracy in a Republic at this point and we could become another banana Republic and a nuclear war Trump could easily create or start through his Hitler like Insanity and lies.

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