Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The Flame in the Forehead of a Oneness of a planet:

is a combination of the life force of the living planet which is an alive sentient being combined with the awareness of the Galactic Sentience Running the galaxy combined with the awareness of the Galaxy itself as a living being. So, if The flame shoots out of the forehead and knocks down anyone nearby a Oneness it is the life force of the planet, the galaxy combined with the awareness of the Galactic Sentience knocking that person down.

It is one way that the Galaxy and planet eliminates threats to their existence by using the Flame on the Forehead of a Oneness in this way. The planets and the Galaxy protect their very existence in time and space in this way.

So, sometimes people with ill intent will just drop dead on any timeline before they can harm the planet or galaxy in any way.

In this way the galaxy protects itself ongoing on all time lines.

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