Sunday, June 9, 2024

Don't drive between San Antonio and Austin at night this time of year because of Animals on the road

 So far, our friends in Boerne (near San Antonio) have hit deer and porcupine and likely an armadillo driving at night this time of year. They cautioned us NOT to drive back to Austin so we wouldn't hit a deer. We did see a dead porcupine driving to Boerne from Austin on the road and many dead deer and coming back to Austin we saw a dead armadillo which is likely the first armadillo I have ever seen outside of a zoo dead or alive.

So, because it is so wet and humid in this area of Texas driving in the spring and summer when most of the animal babies are born you are very likely to damage your vehicle (whatever you are driving) trying to drive between San Antonio and Austin at night every spring and summer.

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