Saturday, June 8, 2024

Electric cars are a choice: At least so far

 75 % more mechanical problems than a gasoline engine or a Diesel engine is what people are dealing with regarding most electric cars now.

However, I could have told people this but likely they wouldn't have listened anyway.

If you look back to the early 1900s and the development of the Gasoline and Diesel cars and trucks you can see it step by step.

For example, brake fade that killed many many people every year was corrected by going from Shoe Brakes to Disc Brakes to the point where even motorcycles and bicycles often have them now to save lives (especially down really long hills where everything else might burn out.

another example, Radial Tires which made driving much safer. Previous tires squirmed a lot more and caused all sorts of problems from 1900 to the mid 1960s when they first started selling radial tires at Sears and Roebuck where I bought my first set for a 1965 VW Bug I had bought for college in 1966.

Another advancement is ABS Braking so when you used to lock the brakes in an emergency stop your car would go sideways into the car in front of you and in the next lane. 

Now, instead when you slam on the brakes in an emergency often the car goes pop pop pop pop etc. of the brakes in a really quick crescendo and stops you before you cause accidents with multiple cars or trucks. 

Each advancement in Diesel and Gasoline engine vehicles too time.

Just like with Electric cars it will likely take 100 years to work all the bugs out of them too. It takes time to perfect anything where it is safe enough to drive.

So, in the meantime people have to decide whether they want electric cars, hybrid cars or gasoline cars or diesel vehicles themselves.

Many people think they are saving money on gas and for some electrics like the Tesla Model X that might be true over about 5 years if you drive enough and IF you live in California where gas is 6 dollars a gallon often.

But, where gas is still 3 dollars a gallon you might not be saving as much as you think.

I don't think electric vehicles are going to solve the problem the way many people think.

I think we are sort of in for it almost no matter what we do now. Just look at the weather worldwide right now or winters too or fall or spring or whenever worldwide!

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