Thursday, June 13, 2024

I died Long Ago but my body still lives

In a Cultural Anthropology course in College a Shaman was described as someone who has psychologically died but their body still lives. I remember thinking: "So that's what I am because I'm not like anyone I know."

I had died of whooping cough and then the angels rescued me. I had died from a concussion and seizures often at night from ages 10 to 15 that was sort of like being murdered each time but God Rescued me.

I find I'm not like most other people because I invited God to live in my body with me starting at age 15. Then girls started falling in love with me but I knew they were falling in love with God who started living in my body with me at age 15. However, soon I realized that this was okay because God was helping all these girls somehow. I came to accept this as a part of having God living within me 24 hours a day.

Then I realized that my body was a Temple of God and eventually I realized that Angels flew through me out into the world to help people and that this was something that happened to some people who dedicated their lives to God and Angels.

Then I realized I was a householder Yogi like Lahiri Mayasaya one of the param teachers of Yogananda in his book: "Autobiography of a Yogi". My best friend from church growing up in Sunday school told me of how his mother visited Yogananda regularly and they were the best of friends. His mother was a very spiritual person and amazing in this like Yogananda was too.

When I met my present wife in 1994 I told her I felt like: "The Ghost who walks with the car that Screams". I was suffering through a difficult divorce and custody battle of my then 5 year old daughter at that time too. I married my present wife in 1995 in Yosemite National park in the Chapel there.

The car that screams just meant to me that the fan belt wasn't tight enough so often it made an incredible Scream sometimes. And it felt like it was screaming because I couldn't because I was a man. But, I found the screams of the car helped me in a carthartic way at that time in my life.

My friend from church by then was a High School Teacher in Los Angeles with a master's degree in psychology. He saw my suffering and told me that I needed to take a certain phrase to heart which was:



Though we might suffer there is always hope with God and Angels in our lives here on earth. The world isn't perfect. I'm worried presently about the health of my son. However, when I had the hardest ailment to survive which was a heart virus that nearly cost me my life I kept going because I could always count on God and the Angels to guide me.

Every time I thought I was going to die from 1998 until the present I would ask the angels "Am I dying?"

And they would always say to me: "NO. This is only temporary. You will get better soon!"

So, this allowed me not to panic and die like many or most people do when they think they are dying.

By God's Grace

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