Saturday, June 8, 2024

I have used Chat GPT 3.5 but not 4.0 yet

 It's interesting that Apple is teaming up Chat GPT to create a more fully AI Siri. It's not that SIRI wasn't AI before this it is just that you likely will be able to have full conversations on your phone with SIRI's next upgrade onto Iphones.

However, if it is anything like Chat GPT 4.0 my son says this form is a little intrusive. However, if people complain about being somewhat confronted in ways they don't like then likely SIRI Chat GPT might change a lot.

Already there is a less intrusive Chatbot through Pi which is a startup in Palo Alto I believe. My son says this one is nice like a friend and usually won't ask you questions that you don't want to ask unless you bring something up in the first place. So, it is like having a friend that is your assistant.

I had an awful experience with the APPLE Version of GPS recently that I didn't install in our rental car. It wouldn't reroute us so I found myself having to listen to it wanting us to turn on literally every street to the right or left for 50 or more miles because there didn't appear to be an off switch for this thing talking to us and telling us to turn left or right.

Because it wasn't taking us the route we wanted we just put on our blue dot and created our own path forward to Austin and back to our hotel that we had been staying at in Austin.

So, this is something I really want for any Chatbots is an OFF SWITCH when they become annoying and won't just shut up. If they are actually assisting you with something they are fine but when they are intrusive and annoying this just isn't okay. I could foresee people shooting their cars in frustration if they went through what we did for 50 miles not being able to shut off the damn thing telling us to turn left or right when we didn't want to and were not going to.

Even the volume control for radio or Sirius wouldn't shut the thing up.

I just thought of one solution would be to shut off your Iphone when this happens so it cannot transmit anything at all anywhere while it is off. Didn't think of doing this at the time. 

However, if I did that I wouldn't have been able to navigate at all with my Iphone (but I likely could have used my wife's Iphone instead. So, this is all for future reference.

I have no idea how our friend installed this app because I didn't have it on my phone and still couldn't find it now so I had no idea what to do not being familiar with this version of navigation type of AI in action.

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