Saturday, June 8, 2024

If you think about AI as being a probability Generator like a weather report you realize it isn't telling you the truth just predicting what might happen


If you consider AI to be an authority on anything you will be profoundly disappointed. However, if you are trying to get an idea of what is going to happen (regarding almost anything especially the weather) they might keep you alive if tornadoes or hurricanes or fires or high winds are happening.

However, what they are reporting to you isn't any more factual than if someone told you "Watch out for the weather!" 

Of course they would be right but no one including AI has all the variables of what ACTUALLY is going to happen only what MIGHT happen given the variables that they have access to. 

So, as long as you know you are dealing with a mathematical probability generator and not someone speaking the truth to you exactly how it is going to happen likely you will be okay.

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