Sunday, June 9, 2024

If you were in 125 degrees with 90% humidity likely you would die soon without Air Conditioning

For example, I have been in 125 degrees in Palm Springs and 110 degrees or more in Las Vegas several Times. However, if you had temperatures like this from Texas to Florida and up the East coast many people would die if they didn't have air conditioning.

Even for me in 125 degrees during the day I remember getting out to get gasoline in my car and feeling like I was baking in an oven while I put gas in my car. So, likely what I did then to survive this was just to put the nozzle into the car and then sit in my car if it was cooler. The problem with this of course is that you don't have long before your car is hotter than outside because you have to turn off your car to be legal while putting gas into your car. So, in 125 degrees even stopping to put gas in your car might be life threatening for some people. I suppose you could go inside the service station itself while your car is filling with gas as a last resort to save your life while filling your car up at 125 degrees.

However, it is obvious many people are going to die here in the U.S. this year from heat related problems.

The first thing to go when you are too hot is your ability to make decisions at all. So, just being out in the sun too long is going to kill you simply because you won't be able to think straight enough to make good decisions to save yourself.

I have experienced this myself many times in the desert where my father had 2 1/2 acres and 110 to 115 was a normal temperature during the day from about July through September or October. I think he had a Swamp Cooler in his house then which cools with evaporation with fans blowing through water through something like hay on the roof and venting down into a house. However, your whole house sort of smells like wet hay or a swamp which is why they call them swamp coolers.

However, I think a Samsung or other heat pump might be more economical now and efficient electricity wise than a swamp cooler and save you a lot of money if you can afford a heat pump.

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