Sunday, June 9, 2024

What is hotter California or Texas?

People tend to live the most on the very coast of California because almost 1/2 of California is a desert. The desert starts in West Texas but it goes all the way from there to Southern California. The end of the desert is around Palm Springs which because of it's elevation is very hot year around. Even in December and January the temperatures in Palm Springs often are 70 to 80 degrees and then in the summers the temperatures are always over 100 degrees pretty much. Then you have Death Valley, California which is the hottest place generally on earth most days (especially in the summers). But, the heat is dry heat and so more survivable than wet heat usually.
Begin quote from:
What is hotter California or Texas?
Even though California might have picturesque weather, not everywhere in California is cooler than Texas. "It's worth noting that the hottest parts of California, the desert along the border with Arizona, and Death Valley, are hotter than anywhere in Texas during most days in summer," Nielsen-Gammon said.Jun 22, 2023


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