Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Mostly when I was growing up in Los Angeles County I didn't want black people or gay people to be killed like they were then

 In the 1960s and even worse in the 1950s people just killed gay people and black men a lot and black women were raped a lot then too by white and black men. It was just the way things were then.

I remember hearing about how football players from my High School were going out on Friday and Saturday nights with Baseball Bats and killing black men and gay men on the streets of Los Angeles and Hollywood. It made me sick to my stomach to hear this but I knew that there were still people like this even then in my High School.

So, my point of view is that I wanted all the killing on weekends of black and Gay men to stop then.

However, I had no idea what all this was going to turn into now. And I have no idea where all this is going to go in the future either because the majority of nations on earth still throw Gay people off of tall buildings which is just what is done around the world still.

The biggest problem that I presently foresee in regard to all this is that Democracy cannot survive without Freedom of Speech.

When you stifle Freedom of Speech you stifle Democracy and this is presently what is happening by Politically Correct points of view.

How do you reconcile the death of our democracy through Political Correctness?

I don't know the answer to this question but it needs to be asked or else soon our democracy in a Republic   will be gone.

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