Monday, June 10, 2024

regarding G-7 meeting in Italy

I've always thought that Trump was a part of the Mafiya of Putin somehow because it's like Putin is the Don that Trump has to kiss the hand on the ring. So, having Biden go to Italy where the Mafia is causing trouble doesn't make a lot of sense to me if our government wants Biden to survive to the November elections.

There were always rumors about LBJ having something to do with Kennedy's demise and rumors about Castro and

Nikita Khrushchev causing Kennedy's assassination in revenge. But, what was always obvious to me was the Mafia involvement in Kennedy's assassination through Jack Ruby who shot and killed Oswald who was a Mafia member who sacrificed his life to kill Oswald. If you think about all this you wonder if Biden can survive going to this G-7 meeting in Italy right now too.

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