Monday, June 10, 2024

When people say they "Live in a State of Grace" it means they live every day with Angels and God

So, cultivating your relationships with angels often is the difference between life and death.

Recently someone I was talking to was angry with God about the death of her daughter. I had had a message from her daughter that I delivered to her by the way. I have been shaman who has been able to talk to the dead most of my life. This is both a good thing and a scary thing. It's good because I can help people a lot on the other side and on this side. However, sometimes someone you know hasn't prepared for death and then they are dangerous. It's sort of like someone drowning and panicking and if you try to help them they will drown you too.

So, this is the good and the bad of being someone to whom the world of the living and the world of the dead is equally real. 

Also, most people have no idea what souls are going through when they first pass on. I usually like to give souls a month or two to get used to it because it's a lot like being born out of your mother's womb. You are in a completely different world with completely different rules than here and if you don't call on the angels to save you when you pass on bad things can happen to you when you die.

Of course if you have someone here on earth praying for you like your mother or grandmother or grandfather or Father this can make all the difference in the world too.

Whether you are living or dead prayer is a Godsend.

So, praying with and for angels to surround you and to help you and your family might keep them all alive ongoing without any harm coming to them. If you can listen to what they are saying to you then it will keep you alive too.

By God's Grace 

NOTE: At around age 22 I took a course in College in Cultural Anthropology and the definition in my textbook of a Shaman was: "Someone who has psychologically died but their body still lives".

It also said that such a person can sometimes heal and is in touch with both the living and the dead.

I believe this is what happened to St. Francis of Asisi when he got PTSD from Battle and then became a Saint and started the Franciscan Order in the Catholic Church.

For example, when I believed I might die going to Texas to see my daughter the angels came to me and told me that I would survive this trip. This is in the end why I went. Because the worst outcome would have been if I died there. It would have been bad for all my children and grandchildren and wife and friends if I had died. So, I listened to the angels and I'm still alive because of this.

By God's Grace

NOTE: After rereading the above what I have to say about people who were not prepared to die sometimes it's best to call in the Angels because otherwise if souls are panicking they can cause your death or your insanity too. So often calling in Angels to help your loved one or friend is the best solution to the problem at hand.

Being too brave often one goes where "Even Angels Fear to Tread" regarding those who have passed on in difficult situations where no preparation for the soul after death has been made.

By God's Grace

Accidental Death, War and Murder are the hardest situations that we humans have to deal with in our lives regarding loved ones and friends. So, often the best thing you can do is to just stand back and call in the angels because almost no humans on earth are prepared for dealing with anything like this properly.

By God's Grace

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