Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Corral Fire near Tracy and Stockton, California

 This is just East of Interstate 5 I believe near Tracy and further away East is Stockton, California. I drive up near this area often when I take one of my routes to Mt. Shasta these days. So, I'm very familiar with the area. Most of this area is where you see cattle or Horses or sheep a lot. Farming mostly isn't done in this area for whatever the reason. It is rolling hills of wild oats and other weedy things which could be likely 2 to 6 feet high after all the rain this season so far. So, it isn't surprising that in a wind of 40 miles per hour that this thing already burned 14,000 acres. The Smoke from the smoke map last time I checked was down as far as San Luis Reservoir but hadn't gone far inland yet on the prevailing winds. So, mostly what would burn is the homes of ranchers who raise cattle or sheep or horses.

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