Sunday, June 9, 2024

Understanding what is causing the isolationist populist Far right thinking around the world now

If you are a liberal or progressive you might be saying: "What the heck is going on that Macron just had to dissolve the French Parliament today?"

Part of the problem is Church going folk who read the Bible believe that Gay people are a sin against God and this is a part of it right there. The other problem besides this is abortion which religious people generally are against too. The next part of the problem is people in Europe remember world war II and the millions and millions of people that died in that long war so they don't want to do this again anymore this time with Russia.

However, the problem with this last kind of thinking is war with Russia for Europe and the U.S. is likely inevitable even if it is a proxy war of the kind we are presently having in Ukraine.

So, rightest thinking is being very small minded in regard to what it takes for nations to survive at all and what it takes for a people to survive at all.

However, people who are rightist don't tend to think very deeply beyond their families and churches surviving and stuff like this and don't tend to be very educated or well traveled.

So, the base of the rightist thinking is often blue collar people who might have finished high school or not and then went to work and never really studied the world or geography and never traveled anywhere beyond 25 to 50 miles from where they grew up.

So, the problem with this rightist thinking is it is very Provincial and not well rounded by traveling around the world and seeing how other people live.

For example, I just went to Texas and tried to be very open minded about whatever I experienced there so I could observe for myself what was going on there.

What I experienced a lot was the fact that you cannot stare at people (for whatever the cultural reason) which is very different than California where this is pretty normal because of Hollywood to stare at everyone going by. 

But, in Texas staring at people is sort of a potential threat like it is to wild animals or something.

The other thing I noticed was people drive really crazy there but their craze is a different kind of crazy than Los Angeles or San Diego for example. San Diego and Los Angeles crazy drivers drive about 1 or 2 feet off your bumper (front and rear) so you have to drive much differently so there are not crashes all the time. So, if you are not used to compensating for this in Southern California you could easily die in a car crash if you don't know how to drive with people like this.

Whereas in Texas I observed really crazy maneuvers where people almost run into you (by accident) or just plain craziness. So, there is always someone doing something really stupid or crazy to the point where my wife wouldn't drive for around 24 hours because she got freaked out by this craziness.

However, from my point of view it is just a different kind of crazy drivers than say California or New Delhi or San Francisco or Portland Oregon. There are crazy drivers everywhere just different kinds in different places.

The point I'm trying to make here is that Isolationism and populism just tend to get us into world wars in the end because if you are ONLY thinking about yourself and your family the world goes BANG and then everyone is dead in some Awful War!


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