begin note:
I'm only using the fiction? moniker in order to preserve the senses of those who only believe the material world is real and nothing else. Years ago Tibetan Lamas taught me that supernatural politeness is the cornerstone of taking care of all life in kindness as if one were either the parent of all life in the universe or all life was ones mother or had been ones mother during thousands of millions of incarnations as a physical being somewhere in the universe. And so, in respect I learned to become very supernaturally polite except during extreme emergencies. end note
Begin witnessing experience:
First of all for all naturally spiritual and religious people I am here today because I believe that Buddha Maitreya and the 2nd coming of Christ are the same. You may or may not believe the same and that is fine with me either way. Seeing is believing for me too. So we all shall have to see in the end.
I wrote before of beginning to experience Maitreya coming and wondering what it was I am experiencing. Since God has trained me as one of his Seers all my life and trained me what to do on pain of death I am well placed.
Yesterday I had several very amazing experiences. Some of them are completely unlike anything else in my life ever.
There are several conclusions I have come to over the last 24 hours. It is now my belief that Maitreya and Jesus if they are the same being now do not need to be born into the flesh as a baby again. That much has already been done. So, it is very possible that Maitreya Jesus or Jesus Maitreya will manifest as an adult directly from the universal and able to be superior to all intuitive beings and intellects presently on the planet. If this completely enlightened being manifests then it is possible that it will be the end of all present world governments. However, I could be completely wrong about this last part and admit it. The part I am completely sure of without a shadow of a doubt is that Maitreya(Jesus?) doesn't have to be born as a human ever again and can appear from anywhere to anywhere as instantly or even as many places as he? wants in any given moment. Let me share my experience last night to elucidate.
It started raining last night but it felt different than ever before. I went to bed early as I was feeling supernaturally faint and physically so. This hasn't happened recently so I went to bed and listened to the rain. I was amazed to experience Maitreya(Jesus?) in the rain.(Something I never have in this way before). I also had the experience of sensing that somehow the new Google Earth vision of whales and dolphins in real time in the ocean was somehow connected to all this. I don't really know how or why except to know that this was the case.
Then I went to sleep feeling very at peace that Maitreya was the rain falling to earth for miles around thinking, "Thank God you're here!" I watched in my inner sense all life from plants to trees to animals drinking in Maitreya for maybe their first time.
Then a most amazing thing happened. A Tornado of powerful energy spun around my body. I recognized the energy field of Maitreya and that I was safe. I realize now he was testing me. If I had shown any fear I would have died right then. When I woke up I fully realized how close to dying I had come. It was definitely a near death experience.
Those of you who are spiritually or religiously gifted should prepare yourselves because since you are God's people it is important you don't die of stroke or heart attack when he? comes so you can do his work and stay alive in a body on earth as all this takes place.
I'm moving on now to a related but different subject. I wrote in the last ten years about a character I call His Oneness of ancient Lemuria. I believe this experience happened to me because I and my family received along with 500,000 others in Bodhgaya India from the Dalai Lama, the initiation of the Kalachakra Tantra for four days around Christmas 1985. His oneness that I wrote about becomes the Ruler of Earth about 40,000 years ago. When a communication from another galaxy alters time and space on earth for several hundred years in order to preserve the human population on earth at that time His Oneness had to decide to create an alternate dimension which he and earth people of that time still live in. In this dimension they don't die. After the problem ended some few thousands of humans returned to earth and we are their descendants. However, His Oneness and several million stayed in this alternate dimension. It is my belief that Tibetan Buddhists and others call this place Shambala or Shamballa. Or in pulp fiction it is known as Shangri-la.
It is possible that a being like this will come as Maitreya and will come to earth to rule after having been trained in the Galactic Core or within another Galaxy or dimension. I could be totally off in this but I just thought it might be useful to entertain this as a possibility.
Now I feel I have usefully thrown off those that might be disturbed by the truth. And those gifted enough to know the truth of what I say will pursue their prayers and meditations because they will know just how important what I am saying actually is.
To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future
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