Galactic Ranger Bob was unhappy. He'd heard the scuttlebutt about his next assignment. It was to be Galactic City Park Earth and his assignment was Thin-out, his least favorite kind of assignment. He walked into the office of the Galactic Time Guard Rangers. He waited in the office and felt sort of disrespected by his superiors. Finally, he was let in to see Galactic Ranger General. He didn't like the present Galactic Ranger General. The present General just seemed to not care enough about beings in general, only his own well being in particular.
As he walked into the Office Bob was unhappy and wasn't afraid to show it. The Ranger General in Galactic Core said, "Ranger Bob? How are you today?" Ranger Bob said, "I was promised a different assignment, sir,than this one!" The General eyed Ranger Bob with a smile and said, "You were chosen because you could pass for one of them." Ranger Bob was unhappy at this and said, "I'm 97% genetically the same as earth born humans." The General said, "Then what's wrong with this assignment?"
Ranger Bob said,"I have problems with thinning out my own species." The Galactic Ranger General said, "You won't physically be asked to thin out even one. You will simply be there to see it is all done in the fairest way possible."
To This Ranger Bob said, "Starvation is never a fair way of thinning out a herd of anything."
Galactic Ranger General said, "Well. Can you think of a better way? Too many species are going extinct from human overpopulation. It will already cost an incredible amount of money to have to travel through time and repopulate Earth with all the needed extinct species to keep everything in order.
Ranger Bob still looked very unhappy. "I just don't like the idea of supervising countries on earth thinning out their populations. It just isn't right."j
Galactic Ranger General said, "Would you prefer a war or pistols at 20 paces?" Ranger Bob said, "Of course not but this is barbaric!"
Galactic General said, "At least the human species of earth doesn't have to go extinct. They have enough genetic material from earth in their dna structures that they don't have to be physically removed or extincted like a foreign plant would."
Ranger Bob said, "Yes. That's true. However, if I do this can I have a vacation? I'm going to need one after this.
Galactic Ranger General said, "Of course, Ranger Bob." Ranger Bob saw the Galactic Ranger General push a key on his desk. Ranger Bob found himself looking at a bear in Yosemite National Park. He had to smile at the joke Galactic Ranger General had played on him. He walked into Yosemite Lodge and asked for the key to his room and asked when his tour bus was leaving for San Francisco to where his condominium was waiting. He sighed.
To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future
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