I remember at age 2 knowing what all adults and children thought around me. Of course at that age I didn't really know what to do with this information yet. However, I assumed everyone did this too. As time went on whether all children could do this at one time or not most were promptly conditioned that it wasn't possible to actually do this(even though we all could at the time). However, luckily I wasn't one of these poor unfortunate children conditioned out of knowing what others thought. My mother and grandmother being of Celtic Stock saw the ability of seeing angels, elves, fairies, saints and other stuff useful and naturally spiritual by nature. Since they were Christian Mystics this all worked out quite well in the end.
So, I was not conditioned to stuff my head up my ass like most people were. I kept right on seeing everything that is there while being educated simaltaneously in public school in the United States except one year of private school in High School in New Mexico in Santa Fe.
However, being gifted wasn't very easy to deal with I found, which made sense if you conditioned children all this wasn't real then they also could believe all the harmful stuff wasn't real also. However, this also might mean one could die from stuff one didn't believe in. There is a saying, "No Pain No Gain" which is a lot the way I see being psychically gifted. It is sort of like weight lifting. Without a lot of work you both don't look like a weight lifter and you can't do much with your psychic gifts.
Most people develop slowly over time as it takes a completely different view of things to get good at this sort of thing. The first thing one must do is to learn not to be a victim of all the people who actually use their gifts all the time like ministers, priests, politicians, lawyers,teachers, psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors and other healers and doctors. This is not to say that all of these people use their gifts against you. This is just to say "Watch OUT!" and always be on guard. Until you are the controller of your own world and an adult you will be vulnerable to all kinds of people trying to manipulate you for all kinds of reasons both good and bad. Just trusting everyone is a great way to insanity and death. It would be nice to be able to trust everyone but the truth is "YOU CAN'T".
So, as an adult the single most important an adult can do is to have their "Shitometer" on at all times. In other words "How full of shit are the people you are talking to or around any given moment". Though some people go through life like Snow White eating the bad witch's apples and being kissed by prince Charming, most of us if we don't recognize how bad someone is might just die or go crazy. So having a good sense of what any given person's motivations are in any given moment leads to both sanity and a pretty good life if one is intelligent. Otherwise, Just pray!
So, as I developed and learned to trust less and less people around me I became a man. But also, along with this I became more and more gifted in many ways and learned to survive most any kind of situation mostly by not being somewhere something bad was going to happen because I could always sense it before it happened. That is why I'm still alive at age 60 because God gave me this ability. It is also why I'm not poor in any way.
This doesn't mean I'm not sad a lot. Sometimes, I long for the idealism of youth. My wife is an optimist, I'm not. I am an idealistic Pragmatist. I guess how I would define that would be to say I really wish and want good things to happen but have learned to be ready for anything at any time like a soldier all the time 24 hours a day waking and sleeping. And the more intense things are going on around one the more as a soldier one must withdraw from their emotions and instead be very observant and ready to act in an instant.
So, in my early twenties I learned to soul travel and learned things that amazed me. There was a book store called the Mythrus in La Jolla, California that I bought a lot of books telling about other peoples experiences soul traveling. They talked about using both astral projection as well as bi-location which is a way of being more than one place at a time while still keeping part of yourself in your body. I found this to be the safest. So, if I was somewhere else on earth or in the solar system or in this galaxy or another I could if I was in danger instantly pop back into my body safely. I like Bi-location because you always use your body as a base of operations and keep enough awareness in it to protect oneself from being taken over by other beings. This is very important if you want to learn to safely soul travel. However, others prefer astral Projection. I personally have only done astral projection once and I almost died and had a heart attack when I found I was walking to the bathroom outside my body. I was just going to go pee when my hand went through the wall when I tried to turn on the electric bathroom light at the switch. Since I was ill and wasn't even trying to Astral project I was terrified and felt vulnerable in a way I never had before ever. So, I could only assume that God was trying to teach me something. So I went with Bi-Location after God taught me that almost fatal lesson.
Years later when I was in my 30s in 1983 I did a vision Quest under the supervision of a Blackfoot-Sioux Medicine man. I ate or drank nothing for 4 days and nights. After 48 hours of praying on the Trinity River at least 5 miles from the nearest human being except my wife, I began having extreme visions especially at night. It was very difficult to distinguish reality from visions they were so very intense. To my psyche both had an equal impact under these condition of no candles, lights, except for sweet Grass that is braided and lit as incense(sweet grass grows on the plains like wild oats).
There are two extremely intense visions that I remember that affected me in such a powerful way it is as if they were more real than any physical reality I have ever experienced.
One was when I became a 50 foot tall giant Dragon with Golden Skin and scales that breathed Golden Fire out upon thousands of people. However, they were not burned or harmed in any way. Instead their heads glowed in enlightenment and happiness. I believe I write and publish and this kind of thing happens just like my vision in my vision quest in 1983.
The other vision terrified me and took me a long time to understand. It showed me just how much spiritual power was behind what I am sent to do and how God is so powerful through me that nothing really can stop it. This I also experience every day. Though I also believe everyone has a God connection like this, many people don't utilize this connection the way I have and do and will. Blessings.
To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future
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