Monday, September 4, 2017

Kim Jong Un is "taking Lessons" from Saddam Hussein and Qadhaffi

What do Saddam Hussein, Qaddaffi and Kim Jong Un have in common?

They all have sought nuclear weapons.

But, what happened to Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi as soon as they gave up nuclear weapons?

They were murdered.

This is the lesson Kim Jong Un took from them. He has to not only be willing to get nuclear weapons but also be willing to use them to have any chance of staying in power in today's world.

IF he isn't willing to use his weapons it means nothing.

So, likely he is going to be forced to use nuclear weapons against South Korea or Japan or the U.S. or all three.

It's pretty inevitable now.

Nuke or die?

This is where Kim Jong Un is now.

Is this murder or suicide?

It's both.

And who is following Kim Jong Un's lead in this?

Iran and many other countries are seeing the writing on the wall too.

So, this isn't just Kim Jong Un who is horrified. There are at least 25 countries or more in this same position right now including Saudi Arabia and others. Everyone is watching how all this is going to play out.

And that isn't the worst of it.

If these weapons of earth are used earth itself could fall apart in the middle of all this and fly apart as an asteroid belt.

No one really knows how much "Nuclear stress" Earth can take without falling apart in all directions with oceans going one way, the mantle going other ways, and the magma going a third way while cooling in space.

For example, I presently believe as an intuitive that the Japan 2011 Earthquake was not a natural earthquake but instead caused by a North Korean Tunnel from North Korea and a nuke on a fault under Japan.

35,000 people died there from this including Fukushima which because one of the reactors was a nuclear weapons reprocessor will send radiation from the meltdown into the ocean a minimum of 25,000 years and a maximum of 250,000 years.

Since the 7 seas are all connected this radiation is going everywhere the oceans go over time including into all fish in the ocean.

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