Sunday, September 3, 2017

More regarding HBO Go and "Game of Thrones"

I started watching "Game of Thrones" from the beginning episodes while both my daughters were visiting me on the SF Coast of Northern California where I live most of the time. This sort of became a habit for me and a pleasantry I shared with my daughters. So, since one of them installed "HBO Go" on my laptop (you can also install this on your Iphone or Android or other smartphone as well by the way) I continued watching the episodes through Wifi wherever I was the last few weeks. Over time I got up to now the 4th season by fast forwarding through things like Ned Starks beheading moments and Theon's castration but since I had never seen the "Red Wedding" which is why they decided to make "Game of Thrones" on HBO in the first place (Strange thought to me) I watched the "Red Wedding" in all it's full horror and trauma for everyone attached to these characters. But, it didn't have the same sting for me already knowing which ones were going to die (even though I hadn't seen it before). And later a family member takes revenge on them all later in the seasons which in some ways is even more horrific in it's own way than the "Red Wedding" itself. But, Karmicly fitting in some ways even though revenge brings it's own karma too in an often ongoing cycle of retributions through many families. This is one reason why "Christian Brotherhood and Sisterhood" has ended these types of retributions which allowed human culture to prosper instead of having infinite "Vendettas" here in the Christian World.

So, the vendettas we see in other cultures mostly ended in the Western secular Christian world or we wouldn't have the progress we have had. This is why the anger of Trump towards others and his vendettas are troubling to all Western Leaders at this point in human history.

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