Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Volcanoes are not going off right now in Antarctica

This appears to have happened 17,700 years ago the last time Antarctica melted off. So, it is being studied now because Antarctica now is beginning to melt off once again. So, by studying the last time it melted off 17,700 years ago they might better understand what is happening now during global warming. That time an ice age was ending by the way---

To read more click on:
 Massive Antarctic volcanic eruptions linked to abrupt Southern hemisphere climate changes

So, I suppose it might be possible to surmise that when antarctica melts off it is either possibly just as an ice age is ending or possibly just as one is about to begin, one or the other.

Because historically, if you study climate science deep enough. Global Warming almost always precedes ice ages.

In fact, we might have another "Little Ice age" through about 2053 when the sun goest to sleep for at least 33 years pretty soon. But, I believe we will go back into pretty severe global warming after 2053 at present unless the Maunder minimum in the sun cycle stays longer for some reason with no sunspots at all.

This is what I believe presently from everything I have been studying.

Of course there may be more Earth cycles or sun cycles or Solar system cycles or even Galactic cycles or just plain anomalies like Asteroid Strikes or comet strikes on earth that might change everything too for us.

Or, like now, too many forest fires blot out the sun and  temporarily reduce temperatures while people with asthma go to the hospital on oxygen from Canada to Mexico along Interstate 5 from all the smoke. When the sun is red because you have 4000 feet above the ground with solid smoke from fires and ash coming down temperatures tend to reduce 5 or 10 degrees even if you cannot breathe the air without going to the hospital if you go outside very long.

People renting oxygen tanks likely are going to make a mint during the next month or two in the western U.S. by the way.

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