Friday, April 6, 2018

Have you ever shot a snub nose .38 pistol?

The above word button (surrounded by a black field) because this is from Chrome that does that sometimes with word buttons. is what I'm referring to in this article

If you have ever shot a snub nose .38 which is likely what this Congressman had isn't a very effective weapon. It is sometimes called a "police Special" because traditionally in the U.S. it is what police investigators who were lieutenant or above carried while accompanies by more fully armed police with hopefully more formidable weapons. Also, something with this short of a barrel would almost deafen you inside a closed room with people when you shot it. People's ears would be ringing for days!

The point I'm making here is a snub nose .38 police special is accurate only to about 5 or 10 feet not much more than this. So, unless this Congressman was going to walk up to within 5 to 10 feet of a gunman and aim for his heart or head this wouldn't be very useful in stopping a gunman, would it?

In order to have hope of actually bringing down a gunman I would want a 9 mm weapon or a .45 Caliber Colt or other brand of long barreled pistol with a long barrel for accuracy to actually bring down a gunman who might be carrying a Kalashnikov or AR-15.

And even then you would have only a 25% to 50% chance of bringing the guy down before he shot you dead with a burst of automatic fire.

Let's get real here folks!

And even with a long barreled 9 millimeter pistol or a .45 long barreled pistol even this might be accurate only to 25 to 50 feet at most. But, if you hid behind a table or other cover and shot carefully you might have an almost 50% chance of survival if you had very fast reflexes and had been under fire before like a policeman or soldier who knows survival tactics.

You notice I didn't give odds of hitting your target. Most gunmen are cowards so they would either let you shoot them as their intention was suicide or else they would run away then. Most people who don't want to die would run away when shot at especially if they had been hit in an arm or leg or elsewhere and could still run at that point. So, at least you might save lives in that location and one of those lives might be your own.

Kalashnikov rifle - Wikipedia

Kalashnikov rifle is any one of a series of automatic rifles based on the original design of MikhailKalashnikov. They are officially known in Russian as "Avtomat Kalashnikova but are widely known asKalashnikovs, AKs, or in Russian slang, as a "Kalash". They were originally manufactured in the Soviet Union, primarily by ...
Types · ‎Variants · ‎Production · ‎Similar rifles

AR-15 style rifle - Wikipedia

An AR-15 style rifle is a lightweight semi-automatic rifle based on the Colt AR-15 design. After Colt's patents expired in 1977, an expanded marketplace emerged with many manufacturers producing their own version of the AR-15 design for commercial sale. They are referred to as modern sporting rifles by the National ...

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