Friday, April 6, 2018

Trees and Angels?

I believe it was last month sometime I learned something interesting from the forests. For a long time they have called me "Tree Man". And I wondered why they often called me this?

I have found out it is the way they perceive me. It appears that there are similar things to them, Angels, people who have affinity with trees and what I was the most intrigued with was when they said "Trees are angels" or maybe more correctly what was said was "Some Trees are angels".

Now remember I'm communicating with a forest and if you speak two or more languages you know what I'm dealing with here.

1. First, I'm not a tree that stays in one place all my life.
2. 2nd  I'm not educated specifically by trees all my life  but mostly by human beings and schools and colleges and universities and in some ways I am also self taught even though I attribute one of the reasons that I'm still alive and didn't die at 15 20, 25 30 or any other age is my affinity with Trees.

What I mean by this is I recognize how trees have often taken my pain and injuries and have healed me because they considered me family and an asset to forests and trees and humans and all beings on earth. I have always understood this and so I try to honor forests and trees because of this ongoing lifesaving relationship I have had with trees all my life.

So, what do trees mean when they say that "Some Trees are angels"?

I could also say that "Some people are angels appearing to be humans".

This likely makes the most sense of what they meant.

By God's Grace

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