Saturday, April 7, 2018

regarding last article on electromagnetic radiation

You will notice how vague most of this information is.

There is a reason for this which is liability. Some people are going to be more susceptible to illness
from electromagnetic radiation (of all types) than others.

So, you might have whole genetic lines dying off of people sensitive to electromagnetic radiation through various forms of cancer and neurological diseases and this likely has been taking place since the early 1900s or before as more and more people were exposed to things they never were before in history.

So, either your genetic line survives all these things or they don't. Or certain individuals in your line cannot survive these things and others can. This is the more likely scenario we are all facing.

So, my advice would be don't stand closer than about 5 to 10 feet from a microwave oven in your home or business unless you want cataracts.

This is one of the things I learned from this compilation article of facts.

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