Saturday, April 21, 2018

What is it like to be a Christian Mystic and a Tibetan Buddhist?

There is a paradox to it on one level. But, as a mystic I tend to embrace paradoxes of the right kind. Because life itself is a paradox.

For example, it is true when one says "We are all moving towards death"

But, is it also true that-----                     "We all have eternal life."

How does one reconcile this?

They don't.

They either embrace both concepts or they are afraid.

However, being afraid (unless you want to jump off a cliff or something) isn't useful generally speaking.

So, being fearless is important, especially if you are a natural warrior like myself by nature.

Being a warrior doesn't mean you are going to join and army and go shoot everyone either.

It just means you know who you are and you are not going to take shit from anyone.

So, learning to be Fearless at all times (unless fear is practical for some reason in that situation) is important for ANYONE on a profound spiritual path. Because often spiritual paths are Life or Death in nature. So, being ready to embrace death like you embrace life might be important on this path.

What is a mystic?

A mystic's basic premise is: "God is everywhere and there is nowhere that God is not"

And likewise: "If an ant is your guru feed him."

So, what is a Christian mystic?

A Christian mystic is experiencing Jesus and God 24 hours a day through direct experience. IT's not that much about words in any book it is about experiencing the real Jesus and God and Angels 24 hours a day in all experiences.

So, when I did a native American Vision quest under the tutelage of a Medicine man for 4 days and nights without water or food while praying and became a huge Golden Dragon that breathed fire on everyone but they didn't burn up and instead smiled and became enlightened I realized I needed to be studying Tibetan Buddhism then. This was a natural part of "God is where you find him"

And being ready to go anywhere God directs you (even to becoming a Tibetan Buddhist where only 25% of Buddhists actually believe in God and I am one of these who believes in God.

So, in following God and Jesus' direction I became a Tibetan Buddhist in addition to a Mystical Christian.

But here is where it is sort of humorous:

 For me as a Mystical Christian Tibetan Buddhist part of this is being telepathic with Teachers. And if your teachers are Lamas (Tibetan Lamas) they usually don't believe in God at all. So, it becomes funny because they might want you not to believe in God and ask you questions like "How can you believe in God?"

And my answer always is: "I believe in both God and Buddhas."

The reason Tibetan Lamas ask"Why do you believe in gods?" is because being a god isn't necessarily a good thing to Tibetan Buddhists. Why?

Because often gods use up their good karma and then fall into hell realms by not continuing to generate good karma sort of the way some selfish rich people are around the world.

So, if you are rich "Nobles Oblige" or the obligation of the nobility to help those less fortunate becomes a karmic reality in this sense for rich people who in this case enter the realm of gods on earth because of their wealth and who could fall into hell if they don't help others through their wealth.

So, anyway I hope you see the humor in all this because I do.

And once again I must embrace the paradox while the Lamas are laughing too!

So, even though our souls might be gods in this galaxy our souls are saved by being a bodhisattvas and Buddhas too in helping all beings that we can all the time too.

By God's Grace

This is why embracing the paradox of life is the only way to win permanent freedom for your soul.

It's like the differences between men and women. Once again 'Viva la difference!' or "Hooray for the difference!"

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