Sunday, April 8, 2018

You might be safe if you really understand the technology you are driving

This was my thought as I woke up this morning. But, first realize most people are not taking the time to really understand the limitations of partial self driving cars and trucks and other vehicles of transportation on sea, land and air.

Then another layer I like to use as an intuitive is to communicate with your vehicles. The main difference I have noticed with vehicles made of metal and plastic and computer chips from humans is that humans are very present and vehicles, (like trees) are very into all time and space while they exist.

This is to your advantage because when a sentience is in all time and space where it exists all the time that being often knows what is going to happen to it that day.

So, when I fly in a plane before I board I often ask the plane telepathically if I and my family are going to be safe.

The kinds of answers they give me are always right on the money every time by the way.

So, if you ask them "Telepathically" what's going to happen on your flight and they reply:

"It's going to be fine!" then you know it's going to be fine.

But, if they say: "It's going to be very turbulent" as long as you can handle turbulence then you are going to be okay.

But, if they say, "I'm sorry. We're going to crash" then likely no matter how much the ticket was you don't want to board that plane that day.

And Cars and trucks are just like planes in this.

Another trick I used to use and now I have an evolved version of this is I would just look forward in time especially if I was going to drive any distance that day in my car.

This way I could "see" potential accidents and even see what they cars or trucks or whatever it was "road refuse" or whatever was going to be the problem.

Way back I would see the problem as a metal plate in front of me that the car would hit in time. So, I would imagine a big blow torch (cutting torch) to cut through the metal plate which would be the obstacle. This worked.

However, as I got older and more and more efficient in every way in my life because efficiency and longevity go together by the way.

I learned to just wait 5 or 10 minutes when I saw an obstacle or accident ahead. Then I would usually either see the cars or the accident that happened without me and my vehicle there as I drove my route that I had planned.

This appears to be the most efficient way to travel safely that I have figured out yet.

Praying helps too.

by God's Grace

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