Monday, March 11, 2019

Creation of UNUS began 12:39 pm September 1st 2002

Here is a word button for UNUS. It was part of the awful times here in the U.S. following 9-11-01.

I can remember fully my wife waking me up that fateful morning. She said, "Fred, somethings not quite right here on CNN. I'm not sure this is science fiction or what but I think a small plane has run into the World Trade Center in New York City. I tried to make some sense of it and so were the news commentators on CNN UNTIL the 2nd plane went into the other World Trade Center Building and there was no doubt the U.S. was under attack. But, under attack from who or what?

I'm not entirely sure the U.S. or the world fully knows the full story even now here in 2019.

UNUS was written about almost 1 year after 9-11. Here'  the word button to UNUS below:


I remember writing something called "From Castles to Cannons" at the time because it was sort of like when
Castles became obsolete because of Cannons and so did knights in armor too. When they were just using 
swords and bows and arrows Castles and Knights in Armor were fine.

But, as soon as Cannons and high powered rifles were invented, castle wall came tumbling down and bullets 
pierced through armor that were powerful enough until the 30 odd 6 rifle (The bolt action M1) in World War I could go through 
ten men before stopping (even though they were not wearing armor.

So, when people stole planes that were passenger planes and turned them into missiles no one knew exactly 
what to do. We had no proper protocol for that then, even though we do now.

Now the protocol is to shoot down passenger planes, passengers and all before they bring down any  more buildings
or destroy any more military targets like the Pentagon which was also hit on 9-11 in addition to the World Trade Center.

Note: My question about 9-11 would be: If Time travel exists and the Men in Black use it to fix things still, why weren't
the people killed in those planes brought back to life somehow? Why wasn't 9-11 erased from time completely?

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