Wednesday, March 6, 2019

I think people need to know that the likelihood of a nuclear war between India and Pakistan this year is very high


Hitler was a populist and likely to some degree so was Tojo in Japan.

Trump is a populist and he could easily nuke out one day too the whole world along with Putin.

So, because the leader of Pakistan is a Muslim Populist leader and because the leader of India is a Hindu populist leader it multiplies the dynamics of a nuclear war by about a factor of 10.

And because Trump is the last president you want around to defuse this whole thing, if Xi of China or someone else doesn't do something soon then India and Pakistan soon could be mostly nuclear craters of melted Glass where cities and military installations once were.

Because of populist leaders the problem is multiplied by 10 and then Trump as a president multiplies the danger by 10 times more. And the Indian Elections multiply the problem even more.

You think I'm kidding?

Just watch what happens this next year or so!

Here's the problem as I see it. If India and Pakistan don't get their act together China is going to let you guys nuke out and then their army is going to go in and take you all over. So, you are better suited as allies against China than overrun by China because you nuked each other out of existence.

Why would China overrun Pakistan and India after they nuked out?

Because the radiation just killed 200 million Chinese from India and Pakistan nuking out each other.

So, think about the long term consequences of losing your countries to a Godless Country after you fight.

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