Sunday, March 3, 2019

Mr. Ballard in the Saint Germain Foundation taught us to sing "Love Songs" to God

This is an interesting idea and as a child because I had to spend a lot of time in church because my parents were both ministers I also learned to sing love songs to God and to Jesus and to Saint Germain and other ascended Beings like Angels and Archangels.

I think this was a part of something similar to Nuns and Priests when Nuns marry Jesus and I think that Priests might Marry Mary the Mother of Jesus too.

But, singing love songs to God was likely a part of why God "married me" and came to live in my body with me between ages 10 and 15 and why God lives in my body the last 55 years for sure if not since I was in my mother's womb.

However, God lives outside of time and space but also inside of Time and space through beings like myself and there are millions or more of us around the world everywhere. And they are male and female and adults and children and babies and even children in the womb. And they change the world around them sometimes for hundreds of miles or more.

This is an amazing thing that God does through millions and billions of people every moment of every day.

By God's Grace

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