Tuesday, December 26, 2023

26 foot waves in San Francisco Coastal Area and Monterey Bay on Northwest facing beaches?

I have seen people surf on 35 foot waves along the coast in conditions like this when they use jet skis to get into the waves to surf them. It's pretty amazing to watch actually. But, when it's like this seaweed often comes onto the porches of nearby homes near the beach too. I was noticing that sand had covered some of the paved roads next to the beach from high tides and 10 to 12 foot waves so far. I also noticed that one of my favorite beaches is gone from high tides and these same 10 to 12 foot waves.

So, 26 foot waves is going to bring even more sand and rocks on shore throughout the greater SF Bay Area south to Big Sur as long as it is hitting northwest facing beaches. Other beaches won't be affected as much.

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