Saturday, December 16, 2023

Healing is a good thing

 I have found in life that it is important not to be cruel to yourself. I think Buddha had it right when he said: "What is important is NOT debating whether there is a God or not it's helping people end their suffering including ourselves."

Of course this is paraphrased because he wasn't even speaking English to begin with but this is the general idea. 

I think he is right to want to end the suffering of himself and all other beings. This is a Noble Quest and Buddhists have been on this Noble Quest around the world ever since.

Whether God exists or not people need to end their suffering so they can be kinder to each other. And it was thought that mental suffering is the worst suffering of all.

And mental suffering often has to do with Blaming oneself for all the bad things in the world.

This is ridiculous however.

We aren't responsible for all the bad things in the world to begin with and anyone who tells you we are is trying to manipulate you out of your money and get your attention.

Understanding this is the first key to enlightenment as a human being here on earth.

As a result, enlightenment is possible if you stop blaming yourself and just forgive yourself and all mankind for everything.

Forgiving yourself and all mankind and Forgiving God for making the world the way it is is also helpful.

Also, even if there is a God, "How do you know he isn't a victim of the Laws of the Universe too as in the basic laws of Science?"

However, Forgiving yourself and all other beings in the universe is a good start on your quest for enlightenment.

By God's Grace

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