Saturday, December 23, 2023

Trying to Heal Myself and Others

My parents counseled a lot of people because they were ministers and ran a church in Los Angeles on Hope Street. I watched them talk to people a lot and they were always very comforting and helpful to people (about 1000 of them) in our church at that time and sometimes up to 5000 people might come for big events when National church leaders would come and speak for one day or more.

I found that by watching my parents I also had the knack of calming people down when they were freaked out or worried or even hysterical too. I found in school starting in Grade School and Junior High School that I was able to help a lot of people facing many difficulties in their lives.

I was always a very calm and rational and logical and practical person because I wouldn't physically have survived my childhood if I weren't because of whooping cough and a concussion which gave me sometimes seizures at night. So, I had to be very brave and calm to survive all that to begin with and very practical in order to even stay alive from birth to age 15 years of age when my night times seizures stopped from my concussion at around 9 years old from rock climbing with my father.

By the time I was 15 years old I believed that my goal in this lifetime was to become enlightened. So, even though I knew I would have one or more professions to make a living that I also was always going to be studying how to become enlightened too, simply because I wanted to reduce my suffering and the suffering of anyone and everyone I met that God brought into my life as much as possible.

I guess you could say the goal of my life was to Heal myself and others that I met along the way.

In many ways I have been very successful in doing this too.

Life is never what we expect.

For example, what I thought enlightenment was was not what it really is.

It's true enlightenment is different for everyone simply because we are all very different in various different ways.

And one of the unexpected things for me was just how much we change during our lives, especially if we live long enough.

Enlightenment for me now is about sharing what I have learned with people who might benefit from what I have learned along the way.

So, is enlightenment a worthwhile goal?

I would say "Yes" because it's really amazing how much you can reduce people's suffering around you as well as your own if you really put your mind to it.

by healing yourself you also begin to heal all mankind too.

By God's Grace

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