Saturday, December 16, 2023

The two best browsers for blogging at I have found over the years are Chrome and Firefox

They each have their good and bad sides. I don't try to blog using Safari since I own only Apple products because I don't like my computers and smartphones to crash all the time. However, it's true that Apple products can be pricey but they make up for it in reliability.

I prefer a Macbook pro laptop because I can take it and use it almost anywhere. I have even blogged while flying to other locations in the U.S. using a macbook pro laptop over the years.

Each person who blogs is different and might have different needs. However, I have been blogging at several websites (some of which still exist today including this one at and thespiritualpath888 also at

However, I mostly use "The Spiritual Path" at this point for storing my longer writings. I found that just writing spiritual stuff all the time there didn't really work for me personally. I am a very holistic person and somehow the totality of life needs to be included not just spiritual stuff. However, the argument could be made that "Everything we do is spiritual and a part of our unfoldment" as beings here in the Universe.

From that point of view we are all like flowers who open up in the sun to worship the sun when it is out.

This point of view was also expressed to me through what native Americans often call "The Rock People".

The first time I ever heard of the rock people was actually experiencing them myself. I had heard a medicine person also say once or twice to "Bring the Hot rock people into the sweat Lodge" though over the years now. I mostly went into sweat lodges to pray with medicine people and others who were there sort of like church goers to this sort of prayer experience in the womb of mother earth. This is how the Sweat lodge is viewed. It is returning to the womb of mother earth and being reborn when you come out of the sweat lodge which I think is a great idea both physically and psychologically to see it this way.

Sorry I digressed a little bit there. 

The best browsers I have found using a Macbook pro for blogging at  so far are Chrome and Firefox and I don't find Safari useful at all for blogging simply because it doesn't display the URL EVER.

So, without the URL how are you going to designate for people to get anywhere unless there is a link (word button) available for you to tell them where you quoted something from?


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