Saturday, December 30, 2023

I think that Seers from Ancient Greece also Traveled to the Galactic Core by Soul Traveling like I did

 And just like I did I met who they called Zeus and the Zeus pantheon. And since Odin and Thor are so similar but set in the Nordic Scandinavian Regions I think people from Greece to Scandinavia all must have gone to the Galactic Core like I did Soul Traveling.

When I went around 1970 I went through the Sun because it is a Travel Portal for Souls heading towards the Galactic Core.

However, when I arrived at the Galactic Core people were surprised that I didn't die doing this.

I guess not many people are allowed to travel to the Galactic Core where the Black Hole is. But, I was.

When I got there the Leader of the Creators who I call "The Galactic Sentience" but many citizens of the Galaxy call him "God".

However, he doesn't like being called that and considers people who call him a God sort of provincial and ignorant.

So, when I soul traveled to the Galactic Core expecting to meet God I was introduced to the Galactic Sentience who the Greeks called "Zeus" instead.

By God's Grace

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