Saturday, December 30, 2023

For at least 73 years I have been on a path called "Soul Travel"

My life was saved by Archangels from Whooping cough in 1950 when I was 2 years old. Ever since then (I'm now 75) I have been on a soul travel path. Though I had experienced having wings in dreams which is an indication of higher gifts and I have flown with my wings in dreams a lot growing up, I wasn't allowed to consciously soul travel where I could will it to happen sort of until my early 20s when I went to the Galactic Core and Met who the Greeks Called "Zeus" the present owner of this Galaxy that his family built. All Galaxies are built by the Creator Species that "Zeus?" is.

In fact, all our souls here on earth are of the Creator species that basically never dies and all galaxies like I said before are built by our Creator Species. Most of us on earth now are very old retired souls who take incarnation as human beings in order to extend our lives further than the millions or billions of years we have already lived.

By God's Grace

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