Tuesday, December 26, 2023

IF you are not walking to the bathroom on a plane it's good to ALWAYS have your seat belt on loosely

  Otherwise, when turbulence hits you can be flying up against the ceiling of the plane or hitting the ground depending upon whether you are going up or down. However, turbulence can also go sideways while it is going up and down also.

The worst long term turbulence I experienced on a flight was from Incheon Airport to San Francisco where there was 9 hours of an 11 hour or more flight that was turblulence so bad that soup would fly out of your bowl and your silverware would fly through the air. Some of my silverware flew down into the seat next to me which was empty but because I was in Business class the seat turned into a bed or sleeping cot of some kind. I told the Stewardess that my silverware had gone down into the mechanism of the seat next to me but English wasn't her first language because I was on Singapore Airlines at the time so I'm not completely sure she understood what I was saying to her in English.

However, the scariest landings I ever experienced were at Lihue Airport on Kauai and at Kahului Airport on Maui. They send their pilots to train at landing at Kahului Airport in Maui because it is one of the most difficult places to land well in the Hawaiian Islands generally speaking. However, usually pilots are well trained at keeping you alive and landing no matter how bad the wind shear is.

On Kauai we landed sideways and only by amazing pedal work of the pilot did we straighten out the plane in order not to crash that day. Even the flight attendents were freaked out about the Lihue Landing a few years ago now.

Years ago now I saw a stewardess on the way to Maui fly through the air and hit the ceiling and land on passengers after hitting the ceiling. This is why you want to always have your seat belt on loosely to avoid this happening to you.

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