Saturday, December 30, 2023

I think preparing for the inevitable weather changes is equally important to trying to slow the changes down

First of all, any serious weather person on TV is going to tell you that it will be 300 years at the earliest that we can slow this thing down (even if we didn't burn another log or petrochemical right now ever again on earth and even if we shot all the herds of cattle and sheep on earth and everyone became a vegetarian to prevent methane depletion of the higher atmosphere. Even then the melting permafrost is releasing untold millions of gallons of methane (not sure of a useful measurement for Methane).

So, because it is going to (at the very least) get worse for 300 years no matter what we do, preparing for the inevitable will be a matter of life and death for millions if not billions of people.

If you watch the around 10,000 people coming up from South and Central America to the U.S. and Canada right now you see that they know they will starve and die or worse where they are from. This will not be 10,000 people a day coming north eventually it will be 1 million people a day and I don't know what we as Americans can actually realistically do about it. Because most people are just going to stay out of the line of sight of Border patrols unless they are really hungry so the Border patrol people will feed them so they don't starve to death.

So, finding a place where you can survive whatever the weather does might be important in the short and long run. A City (any big city) is the worst survival place you can be if the shit hits the fan by the way.

You need to either be in the Suburbs or further out in the country where there is farmland to build your place where you can survive what is actually coming. So, a lot of thought needs to be put into WHERE you can financially and physically survive along with your families and friends.

By God's Grace

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