Monday, April 16, 2018

definition of "Tyranny"

  1. cruel and oppressive government or rule.
    "people who survive war and escape tyranny"
    synonyms:despotism, absolute power, autocracydictatorshiptotalitarianism, Fascism; More
    • a nation under cruel and oppressive government.
    • cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.
      "she resented his rages and his tyranny"

Tyranny | Definition of Tyranny by Merriam-Webster
2 a : a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler; especially : one characteristic of an ancient Greek city-state. b : the office, authority, and administration of a tyrant. 3 : a rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force. living under the tyranny of the clock.


noun  tyr·an·ny  \ ˈtir-ə-nē \
Popularity: Top 1% of lookups |Updated on: 8 Apr 2018

Definition of tyranny

plural tyrannies
1oppressive power
  • every form of tyranny over the mind of man
  •  —Thomas Jefferson
especially oppressive power exerted by government 
  • the tyranny of a police state
2a a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler; especially one characteristic of an ancient Greek city-state
b the office, authority, and administration of a tyrant
3rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force
  • living under the tyranny of the clock
  •  —Dixon Wecter
4an oppressive, harsh, or unjust act a tyrannical act 
  • workers who had suffered tyrannies

Examples of tyranny in a Sentence

  1. Cars freed Americans, already infamous for their mobility, from the tyranny of train schedules.—Cynthia Crossen,  Wall Street Journal,  7 May 2003
  2. Berlin remains a central attraction, and the evanescence of tyranny is a highlight of the visit. —William F. Buckley, Jr.,  National Review,  27 Sept. 1999
  3. For in creating a cultural orthodoxy designed to combat racism, urban disorder, and a legacy of oppression, we subject ourselves to delusional dogma, the tyranny of conformity, and language that rings of fascist imagery. —Gerald Early,  Harper's,  January 1997
  4. The refugees were fleeing tyranny.
  5. He was dedicated to ending the tyranny of slavery.
  6. a nation ruled by tyranny
  7. She felt lost in the bureaucratic tyrannies of the university system.
  8. The king sought an absolute tyranny over the colonies.
end quote.

The last line I think is important here because I believe Trump to be a reincarnation of King George III.

This is why Trump tends to bring Tyranny back to the U.S. in the ways that he does.

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