Friday, April 24, 2015

The point of a 4 day no water no food Vision Quest

First of all most people today often buy into only technology. In other words they are a thing, technology is a thing. People are things. Places are things. Animals and humans are things and we live in a lonely and miserable world so why not just off yourself?

This is basically didactic materialism. And This is complete horseshit!

And then there is the world of direct experience which tells us the exact opposite!

A vision quest tells you. "Nothing is a thing." We all are a part of a living organism the universe. We are all together in this. There is no real way to separate a  human being from a star or a galaxy or the earth or a cloud or a rain drop or a snowflake. There are no things. There are only conscious beings interconnected who share life on their world or others. And all these conscious beings are perfectly interconnected. And thinking of killing yourself is sort of just an asinine thing that selfish children do when they throw a tantrum on the floor of a supermarket when mommy doesn't buy them candy.

So, if you ever decide to do a vision quest of no water and no food it will either make you paranoid and psychotic (because you can't get over your didactic materilism).

Or: You will see there is no separation of anything from anything and everything and everyone is your family from a deer or bear in the forest to a human being to a tree to an Eagle flying over head.

You are at peace in the world because you are never alone in it. If you can get from thinging yourself to Being the universe along with the universe, you will be forever free!

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