Monday, April 23, 2018

As a blogger it's getting much harder to quote things from many sites

It used to be much easier but Software coding styles are changing a lot either because of different people doing it or automatic coding or even new somewhat compatible languages to HTML that also run on HTTP and HTTPS.

So, I'm having a much harder time using Word buttons as sources that will actually work for you to see the original sites than before.

So, often the only way to handle it is to give you a URL and I'm fully aware many of you don't know what to do with a URL unless you know how to copy and past in your edit functions because some URLs are very very long and would take you several minutes to copy to where they live usually at the top of your page somewhere. And some computers are set up without showing you URLs at all so unless you know how to go into your controls and have your URL line become visible you couldn't even use URLs to find what you are looking for as a source.

BUT, the thing to realize is all you have to do (which is a lot easier) especially if you know how to copy and Paste, from your edit function usually up near where it says Chrome or Firefox or whatever browser you are using, is to just copy the title of the article you want to go to the source on.

I never change the titles of the articles themselves even though often the listing and word button I might change for a variety of reasons. but, generally I never change the title to the actual article that is there next to the text of the article. So, if you copy and paste from edit to your browser (any way you want to do this because there are several actual ways) then this might give you the source article the quickest especially if you aren't set up to copy URLS or use them if you are not familiar with the controls on your browser that much (whichever one you are using).

However, the real point of this article is simply to let you know it is much harder to display both the text of an online article combined with a word button for that article than is used to be.

My thinking is that there are just so many different programming styles around the world now that many of them are just not that compatible for quoting by bloggers.

Bloggers actually make certain articles go viral by noticing things that are important that others might not scan because they don't have the time to. So, Blogging sites like this one might help you know things you might not otherwise know about around the world.

I have stopped blogging about the middle east a lot because I find it just so depressing I can't even deal with how bad things are in Iraq and Syria and Yemen right now at all. I don't want to destroy my health just to inform you about things anymore.

So, I share now what I can deal with that I think will be helpful and informative to the most people without depressing myself to the point where it is harmful to me in some way.

In other words "Without hope the people perish all over the world"

Also I want to share with you a little trick I know.

A URL line (where is starts with HTTP  OR HTTPS) isn't ONLY for HTML or compatible code.

You can also type in any word you want and often this will load better things than what you are doing in the actual search line of your browser. So, pretty much exclusively since it works better than the search lines of my browsers I only usually use the URL line to put in requests for data using words.

It's a very helpful trick especially if you are doing research of any kind because you tend to get better information with less spam or no spam at all.

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