Wednesday, April 11, 2018

My Blog I consider to be a World Wide Public Service

But, since I have a life and don't get paid for this I have to blog when I can. I have grown children and often they visit my wife and I or we visit them too. So, I have to blog when I can. recently I was flying back from portland,oregon with my wife and was able to blog a little on the flight down. That's always fun to do too. When I travel when I have extra time I also blog whenever I can on local wifi.

If you want to have a blog and are retired or semi-retired I would recommend it if you are of the right mind set to do this.

I liken having a blog to playing chess a lot. First, you have to overcome software difficulties of all kinds (even with robotic html generators like I have to work with). So, the automatic code generators cut down the time I need by about 90% I would say. IN my first blog I had from 1999 to 2007 I had ot put 90% more time to do the same amount for less results on all levels which really was a discipline more than this present blog is.

For me now this is something that gives meaning to my life sort of like meditating and sharing wisdom with others that one gathers during the almost 70 years I have been alive. EVeryone I have ever met that makes it to 30 or especially 40 has a lot of wisdom just watching all their friends die form all sorts of different things especially in their teens and 20s. So, if you are a survivor you have a lot to share about how you survived your life over 30 or 40 already. Remember that.

Even when we speak about longevity in the past like 1815 here in the U.S. they say that women lived to be 36 years of age If they made it to 20 first. And men lived to be 38 years of age if they lived to be 20 first. So, I would say 30 is the new 20 for Americans at least. IF you weren't going to make it in the past you died by 20 then in 1815. much tougher times then than now regarding staying alive or even wanting to be alive.

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