Monday, April 16, 2018

You don't know what you know until you know it

This is the real problem in life. Of not knowing what you need to know in various kinds of situations.

Once you know what you need to know often you can figure out ways to survive whatever it is you are facing.

But, until you know what you REALLY need to know to survive any situation it becomes sort of hit or miss whether you actually emotionally, psychologically or physically survive any given situation you might encounter in life.

This is why: "Learning to ask the right questions to the right people or Artificial intelligence will give you survival emotionally, psychologically and physically (potentially).

If you understand that formulating the "RIGHT" questions and who or what to ask these questions to will often decide whether you survive any given situation in your lives or not.

Most of the time it is not your physical survival that is at stake "unless you are in an emergency room in a hospital" or something like this.

Rather what is at stake is your emotional, and psychological and monetary survival that is at stake.

So, realizing Who or what you need to ask questions to and whether you trust those answers or not will often decide many different aspects of your survival ongoing.

But, Each Good answer you get from someone or something (in the case of AI online) will help you to survive one more day (which might be all you need that day to survive it).

By God's Grace

So, it is important to be grateful for each good answer you get because being grateful tends to create more good answers so you can survive ongoing.

I don't know why the universe is constructed this way, this just appears to be true in an ongoing way according to the last 70 years of my ongoing experiences.

By God's Grace

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