Monday, March 18, 2019

Apologizing for White Privilege will tend to end the Caucasian Race here on earth


Because count up how many white people are left on earth and then count up how many of other races there are. Because of this, white people will likely interbreed with all other races and within 200 years there will not be ANY white people left on earth at all.

So, apologizing for White privilege in general just helps to make white people go extinct as a race faster and faster and faster.

If you are logical about this apologizing for white privilege will ONLY drive whites extinct completely and that's all within 200 years.

So it is really a trick to extinct caucasians around the planet and that's all.

I'm not a racist against other races but I don't believe in white Suicide either. So, there has to be some reality here or there won't be ANY white people left within 100 to 200 years. So, we already have a short time left on the planet as Caucasians.

So, why are caucasians committing suicide of their race?

I think this is the question that needs to be asked the most now.

The question is NOT "Why don't you feel  guilty of White privilege!"

The question is: "Why is the Caucasian Race committing suicide?"

Because asking why people don't feel guilty of white privilege is exactly the same as asking "Why are you still alive? You should be dead already."

Everyone that can find a way to stay alive should try to stay alive anyway they can. Otherwise, you are just committing slow or fast suicide in your lives.

People actually are NOT civilized. They are animals of different races and some of mixed races. IF you find a way no matter how to stay alive no matter what race you are then good for you. Otherwise, you are just dead and that's all she wrote.

Everyone must fight to stay alive. You don't necessarily have to fight others mostly you are fighting yourself so you make good enough decisions to stay alive.

Our biggest enemy is not others it is ourselves.

If you want to live to 70 or more like me: "Know yourself!"

That's how you live to old age by learning to live with yourself.

IF you can't live with yourself no one else can either.

And living alone sucks!

So, if you truly know yourself you become more and more enlightened and then people want to be around you and then you are not alone.

By God's Grace

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