Saturday, March 23, 2019

College is important but staying alive is even more important

When I look back at my late teens and 20s I realize how close I came to not surviving these times. At the time Late 60s early 70s for me, though I wanted a college degree and went to college I never got a degree even though by the time I was in my 40s I had had about 8 years of college studying computer science network engineering, computer data processing, psychology, philosophy, cultural anthropology etc.

But, often what I did outside of college kept me more alive than going to college did. So, I watched kids who often thought college was everything die a lot in those days because they didn't realize there was more to life than just going to college. So, if they didn't get all As often they would just kill themselves thinking they were a failure.

The thing about college here in the U.S. is you can literally go back to college at any age and people do it all the time. Though this might not be true in other countries it is very true in this one. And from most junior colleges you can transfer up to most 4 year colleges as long as you have a C or better average in all your Junior college classes. So, returning to college is not as onerous as it once was (at least here in the U.S.).

So, what I'm saying here, is STAY ALIVE FIRST! because college is always going to be there. I went to about 8 years total of college in my life including attending UCSC but I never finally got a bachelor's degree. But, on the way I owned many businesses and raised my family and all my children along the way and now have traveled all over the world.

College is important but staying alive so you can have a future at all is even more important!

By God's Grace

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